464 persons to be compensated over Western Bypass project

464 persons to be compensated over Western Bypass project

464 people and properties which will be affected by the ongoing construction of western by-pass road have been listed for compensation. National Land Commission (NLC) made the announcement and said that the number of those to be compensated was arrived at following verification of ownership documents by the authority in consultation with relevant line departments.

Engineer Halake Molu from NLC during a County Development Implementation Committee (CDICC) meeting revealed that Sh1.8 billion has been budgeted for compensation on the 16.8 Km stretch of land which has been acquired by the National Land Commission.

Halake However said only Sh 150million is available for the purpose of the project which began in 2019, he stated. During the validation process, Engineer Halake said 202 people were found to have encroached on Government Land and were issued with quit notices.

“Some have already relocated their businesses to pave way for the construction while some are still buying time,’’ said Eng Halake.

Project details

The bypass project kicks off in Gitaru, Kiambu County connecting the Southern bypass in Kikuyu town and will terminate in Ruaka connecting the Northern bypass. It will will have a four lane expressway with a total length of 16.79Km and seven interchanges at Lower Kabete, Gitaru, Ndenderu, Ruaka, Wanginge, Rumingi and Kihara. The Western Bypass will have eleven traffic bridges and pedestrian underpasses on the entire length.

China Road and Bridge Corporation (K) was contracted in April 2017 by the Government of Kenya through the Implementing agency, the Director General, Kenya National Highway Authority to carry out design and construction of the western by-pass Road.

The Nairobi Western bypass road is funded by China Exim Bank and Government of Kenya. The project was awarded at a cost of Sh 17 billion. Physical commencement was 2019 and it is expected to be completed in 2022. Currently it is 41.7% complete.

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