County governments racing to construct governors’ residence

County governments racing to construct governors’ residence

The County governments in Mt Kenya are racing against time to complete the construction of residences for their three top leaders as ordered by the Salaries Remuneration Commission (SRC).

The commission recommends construction of residential houses for the officers instead of renting or leasing to save money. Sh 95million has been set aside in the 2021-22 budget for construction the governor’ house in Murang’a County. His deputy and speaker at Sh45 million, and Sh40 million respectively.

Cooperative sector

Maragua will host the governor’s residence, Kangema town for the deputy governor and Kiharu for the speaker. In Meru, the governor’s mansion is at the roofing stage while Nyeri is yet to identify land. Governor Mwangi wa Iria has proposed to spend Sh150 million to procure fertilizer, hybrid seeds and other inputs.

In the cooperative sector, there is a proposal to allocate Sh20 million through Wachuuzi Sacco (Small Traders Support), dairy support and cow ownership at Sh5 million. Others are a second milk production line at Murang’a County Cremaries (MCC) at Sh100 million and Sh11 million for animal feed manufacturing plant.

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