Contractors issued four months to complete Homa Bay Stadium

Kirubia Stadium to be complete in two weeks

Homa Bay Governor Cyprian Aiwit has ordered the company undertaking the construction project Homa Bay County Stadium, Six Eleven Construction Company, to complete works in four months’ time.

The order comes after the governor conducted an impromptu inspection of the site with hope that it would be almost ready for hand-over. However, they found workers at the site fixing the pavilion roof.

The Sh 369million project was supposed to be complete by Decemebr last year and handed over to the county by end of this week. According to the clerk of works at the site Arol Mbima, the project is 60% done. That includes the construction of a pavilion, terraces, changing rooms, media room, offices, and water storage tanks among other features.

Remaining works

Remaining works at the 20,000-seater stadium electrical work and the construction of the roof. Electrical work has been awarded to a different company. The contractor is expected to beautify the pavilion and construct the field and tracks to international standards. The contractor requested for six more months till end of July to complete the work but Awiti reiterated that the stadium has to be handed over to the county government at end of May.

“I want major Kenyan football league matches to be held in the stadium. So the earlier the project is complete the better. This facility will resemble Wembley Stadium in London. Homa Bay is the heart of the legendary Gor Mahia who hailed from Ndhiwa. The team will shift its base to Homa Bay where it will be holding most of its matches,” said the governor.



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