Devki Group has announced plans to switch to own power in the next two years in a bid to cut on high production cost. Narendra Raval, the Group’s founder announced the plans and said that the company is on a mission to ensure affordable construction material to power President Uhuru Kenyatta’s agenda on affordable housing.
“High cost of power is the biggest threat to Kenya’s manufacturing sector. Self-reliance will trickle down benefits to consumers of affordable cement and power economic growth,’’ Raval said.
The firm which is Kenyan conglomerate that manufactures steel products, roofing sheets and cement said the journey to self-energy generation become clearer after Kenya Power demanded Sh2.8 billion to connect electricity to the clinker factory in Emali.
Green light
The company which received the green light from the Competition Authority of Kenya (CAK) to purchase 100% of Pokot-based Cemtech, a subsidiary of India-based Sanghi Group over a year ago is expected to proceed with the 64-megawatt power plant in the region even as it commences construction.
“The power generated will enable us to operate effectively and minimize our costs of operations apart from supplying more electricity to the national power grid,’’ Raval said.
According to Raval, construction of the West Pokot cement plant will take 18 months. The firm is currently holding public participation and consultative forums with residents and leaders of the area. Last month, Mining and Petroleum CS John Munyes termed the investment as a blessing to Pokot and the country at large, promising to give the investor needed support to complete the project.