Kenya has launched a new traffic alert application set to give real-time traffic information and road alerts. Dubbed “Waze”, the community-powered mapping and navigation app is free, accurate and feature-packed. What makes it a powerful app is its rich and constantly updating database of information. The app distills all of this into usable traffic data for you to see on the screen.
Road closures due to extensive construction are accurately represented and one-way streets, as well as turn restrictions, match their real-world analogs. The app will also give pop-ups of incidents on the road within a preset radius or along your chosen route if the destination has already been set.
Easy to use
Among the possible triggers for notifications are slow traffic, incidents and accidents, police presence and speed cameras. The app will also provide you that information even if you do not have a destination chosen adds incentive to always have the app running when behind the wheel and on the road.
The maps on this app are easy enough to read. Waze’s search-based destination search entry returns results for input addresses. It also returns destinations for six different destination search engines including Facebook Places and Waze’s own business database.
Luckily, you will not have to fiddle with your smartphone’s keyboard while driving because the destination input screen will allow addresses and search terms to be input via voice command with a tap of the microphone button next to the search field.
The voice input uses your phone’s native voice input system such as Google Voice typing for the Android version of the app. There are also voice commands available for such quick functions as “Drive Home” but this second feature is disabled by default and hidden in the settings menu.
It also includes social features such as connect to Facebook, game mechanics and a Map Chat feature that lets you leave messages and photos on the map for other drivers to browse. There is also a feature to find and report fuel prices, which can be useful. With this application, your driving will turn out to be a good experience with all the information on your screen.