The Parliamentary Committee on Transport Public Works and Housing has cautioned AA Bayusuf against further delays on the 48-km Marikebuni-Majengo-Marafa-Sosoni road in Kilifi County which is yet to be completed three years after commissioning.
The road project began in 2017 and was scheduled to take 36 months to complete. However, according to the committee led by Vice-chairperson Gathoni Wamuchomba Gathoni, the project is behind schedule with 27% of the work done, covering 27.7km.
“The quality of work is wanting in some of the projects, especially the Sabaki Bridge-Marafa road, which although the contractor is still on-site, there are gaping potholes on some sections. The funding comes from the National Government through you as taxpayers. We want to ensure that taxpayers get quality roads adding that they had witnessed the work being done along the road was not satisfactorily,” said Wamuchomba.
Marikebuni-Majengo-Marafa-Sosoni road
Scope of work on the project include upgrade to bitumen standard and installation of bumps along the road. Representatives of the contractor, AA Bayusuf, had a hard time explaining to the committee why the project delays and had a lot of errors in its implementation process.
The committee which was accompanied by senior officials from Kenya Rural Roads Authority, Kenya Urgan Roads Authority and have embarked on inspecting multi-billion road projects being undertaken by the National Government at the Coastal region also toured the construction of the Sh 2.6bn Baricho Bridge, and the Sh4.5bn Malindi Sala-gate.
The committee was, however, satisfied with the works at the Baricho bridge and was fascinated by the technology used on the bridge intended to connect Malindi and Magarini sub-counties.