The Karuru Vocational Training Centre in Murang’a County is set to witness an increased number of trainees interested to pursue various technical courses following its revamping.
The vocational centre in Kahuro Sub County received a facelift sponsored by several organizations. The institution first benefited with a 100,000-litre water tank which was sponsored by an American based charity organization, Can-Do-Kids. The organization under patronage of Engineer Karanja wa Matangi also funded construction of an academic block enabling the centre to attract more trainees.
“The construction of the tank and the academic block which kicked off in January this year lasted for almost two months. Now the institution has plenty of water,” said the Centre’s Principal Mr. Ben Wasike.
He narrated that the facilities helped the institution to start offering a course in beauty and cosmetology, a course which needs adequate water supply.
“The department of beauty and cosmetology which attracted a quite big number of local youth is housed in the new academic block,” added Wasike.
The Principal said; “In a vocational center, water is a key component in operations of workshops, in the past years we stored water in jerricans which was not enough for our students but after construction of the tank, operations have been normalized.”
Wasike added that the availability of water boosted efforts to fight spread of Covid-19 in the institution. The Can-Do-Kids also helped in equipping the workshops by providing needed training equipment. With the availability of training equipment, local young people, including those who did not join secondary schools, have enrolled to get trained in various artisan courses.
Impact on local community
“Technical courses are of high demand in the community. Those in the construction industry want plumbers, electricians, masons among other personnel. Vocational training centres are playing a key role in producing technicians,” explained the principal.
Wasike also lauded the local county government after it came in to provide more training equipment and construction of modern ablution block
“The County government in partnership with the World Bank also renovated our workshops and constructed modern washrooms for our trainees. Initially the institution relied on pit latrines but now we have a modern ablution block,” noted Wasike.
The revamped vocational centre has impacted the local community positively. The carpentry department constructed 140 desks for Gatundu Primary School which helped the school to attain social distancing.
The centre also made protective face masks which were distributed to local residents in nearby trading centres to help in controlling spread of Covid-19. In January this year, the institution had 49 trainees but currently the Centre’s student population has grown to more than 150.