Tiaty, Baringo County to have first tertiary college

Tiaty, Baringo County to have first tertiary college

Tiaty in Baringo County has gotten its first-ever tertiary institution after the commissioning of the Chemolingot Kenya Medical Training College.

The area is one of the areas hardest hit by rampant incidents of cattle rustling in the North Rift region that has affected development in a big way. The setting up of the college will offer hundreds of young people from the area an opportunity to improve their lives rather than take part in the age-old tradition of cattle rustling.

The institution is funded by the Tiaty National-Government Constituency Development Funds (NG-CDF) at the tune of Sh 10 million. An administration block, two lecture halls, a skills laboratory, and an ICT room will be put up using the first tranche.

Standardization and improving healthcare

The college is set to open its doors to the first batch of 200 students by September this year. The establishment of the institutions will go a long way in standardization and improving healthcare service delivery in the region and bridge the gap of limited human resources in health facilities.

“Today is a great day for Tiaty and specifically Chemolingot community,” said Richard Adomeyon, the project management committee chairperson.

Mr Adomeyon on behalf of the committee also noted they were falling short of furniture, ICT equipment, library, college vehicles and permanent water supply. He called on the KMTC Chief Executive Officer Prof Michael Kiptoo to support the new institution.

“With your blessings and support, we are opening this campus in September 2021 for the first intake. As advised by your technical team and considering the community interest, we wish to start with the training of Community Health Assistants,” he said.

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