Wang’uru Stadium in Kirinyaga County to be complete by August

Wang’uru Stadium in Kirinyaga County to be complete by August

Construction works on the Wang’uru Stadium in Mwea, Kirinyaga County is set to be completed by August this year. Kerugoya County Development Implementation and Coordination Committee (CDICC), led by the County Commissioner Jim Njoka affirmed the report and said that the project is 82% complete.

The county commissioner led the team during inspection of development projects funded by the national government in the county.

The project which began in December 2020 involves construction of a VIP concrete stadium which will be composed of builders working on elements such as substructures, reinforced concrete superstructures, roofing, walls, doors, windows, finishes, balustrades & railings, and related advanced mechanical and electrical work.

Tap local talents

The next part of the construction will be of the steel pavilions consisting of concrete substructures, steel and nbsp;superstores and other works including the standardization of pitch and race tracks, the building of leisure facilities, boundary walls, change rooms and ablution blocks, among other support facilities.

“We thank the contractor, Vee Vee Construction, resident engineer and the entire team for the job well done. Every time we visit there is much progress and all set standards are met,” said Njoka.

Once complete, the facility is projected to tap local talents and business activities, more so in the hospitality industry. One of the challenges being faced on the project is storm water. Mr Njoka however said that they are working with the county government to ensure the problem is solved.

“The problem of management of storm water will be solved by joining hands with the county government in digging trenches,” said Njoka.

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